#329 Vibrava

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Vibrava model

To make prey faint, Vibrava generates ultrasonic waves by vigorously making its two wings vibrate. This Pokémon's ultrasonic waves are so powerful, they can bring on headaches in people.

Ground Dragon

Generation 3 (Hoenn)
When was it last seen? 5 minutes left
How many times was it seen? 41022 seen
Spawn rate 11 / day
Gyms protected by Vibrava 0
When was the last raid? 5 months ago
How many raids were there? 1445 seen
Best quick move ?
Best special move ?

Where can you hunt Vibrava?


Vibrava stats breakdown

3 / 10
Battle rating

highest CP

30 %
compared to highest in game

highest HP

22 %
compared to highest in game

Vibrava Evolutions


25 Candies


100 Candies