#262 Mightyena

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Mightyena model

Mightyena gives obvious signals when it is preparing to attack. It starts to growl deeply and then flattens its body. This Pokémon will bite savagely with its sharply pointed fangs.


Generation 3 (Hoenn)
When was it last seen? 42 minutes ago
How many times was it seen? 74531 seen
Spawn rate 33 / day
Gyms protected by Mightyena 0
When was the last raid? 3 weeks ago
How many raids were there? 514 seen
Best quick move Bite
Best special move Play Rough

Where can you hunt Mightyena?


Mightyena stats breakdown

5 / 10
Battle rating

highest CP

48 %
compared to highest in game

highest HP

29 %
compared to highest in game

Mightyena Evolutions