#185 Sudowoodo

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Sudowoodo model

Sudowoodo camouflages itself as a tree to avoid being attacked by enemies. However, because its hands remain green throughout the year, the Pokémon is easily identified as a fake during the winter.


Generation 2 (Johto)
When was it last seen? 1 month ago
How many times was it seen? 481007 seen
Spawn rate <1 / day
Gyms protected by Sudowoodo 1
When was the last raid? 1 week ago
How many raids were there? 4552 seen
Best quick move Rock Throw
Best special move Rock Slide

Where can you hunt Sudowoodo?


Sudowoodo stats breakdown

4.5 / 10
Battle rating

highest CP

53 %
compared to highest in game

highest HP

29 %
compared to highest in game

Sudowoodo Evolutions